Monday, June 1, 2009

to my wife on our anniversary

Dearest Lisa,

We've been married seven years today.

Seven years ago we stood up at West End Collegiate Church in New York City and pledged our love for each other in front of everyone. And we didn't mention Jesus because I didn't want to and you said that was OK. And then we walked/floated out of the church to the theme from Star Wars on the pipe organ. That ruled.

Seven years has gone so fast. People talk about the seven-year itch, but we cleared that hurdle by living together seven years before the wedding. When we got the seven year itch, we got married.

We've flown by the seat of our pants much of the time. We've trusted the Force, Luke. We weren't sure we wanted kids. Then we decided we did. Owen was the most amazing thing that could ever be. He was incredible and we were happy and we weren't sure we wanted to have more. Then we decided we did. And Nicholas was also the most amazing thing that could ever be. And it shouldn't be possible for two things to be the most amazing anything, but they both are.

Now we look ahead. There will be new adventures. Uncharted territory. Not sure what, exactly, but things will change. They have, they do, and they will. And we'll do it together.

I'm so lucky.

You are my best friend. You're beautiful. You're fiercely loyal. You like almost all the stuff I like (except Twitter.)

You're a great listener. You're an amazing lay (sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Kable). You're an awesome mother to our kids.

We share things. We work together. I take the cans down to the street and you bring them back up. And it works.

I love you so much.

Happy anniversary, my love.



  1. This is awesome. Lisa, you are a lucky girl. And your husband is obviously a very lucky guy.

    Happy anniversary, you crazy kids.

  2. That Star Wars march was one of the most memorable wedding moments ever. Happy anniversary.

  3. I love the mush, but I really love the 'amazing lay.' Best compliment evah, the end. Happy anniversary!

  4. you had me at "we didn't mention Jesus."

  5. Awww. We should clone you and hand you out to the ladies at Blogher! Happy Anniversary to you and Lisa! Yes, you are so lucky, cuz she's awesome!

  6. Okay, that is just the sweetest thing ever. :) Have a wonderful anniversary!!

  7. very very sweet. Happy Anniversary to the both of you!

  8. Aw, so sweet! If you got to 7, you guys are gonna be fine. Happy Anniversary Michael and Lisa! If I had known I would have totally bought you both a drink on Saturday. Next time!


  9. Very sweet! Being married to your best friend makes it so great. Wishing you many many more anniversaries even better than this one.

  10. That. Is. Awesome. Happy Anniversary!

  11. Awww, sweet! Great post. Taking one's time is a most wonderful thing to do. ;p

    My man & I are also members of the "taking our time" club. :P

    Star Wars = badass! :D
    (no Jesus = also badass) ;p

  12. Happy Anniversary!

    (and I really don't like twitter either)

  13. What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful wife and your loving relationship. You are a great couple and wonderful parents. I'd say more, but I would go on too long.

  14. awwww.
    damn. that's so sweet.s
    I'm crafting my anniversary post for hubs right now.
    6/2 is our 8 yr.

    LOVE THIS. so sweet.

  15. awww that is just too adorable, hope you guys had a very happy anniversary and will have many many many more to come

  16. Star Wars. Damn you guys have an awesome relationship.

    Congrats Mr. and Mrs. BadAss.

  17. Congrats! Our 8 year (yikes!) anniversary is in October and it seems just like yesterday that we got married. Here's to 7, and hopefully many more, years!

    --Tyler (

  18. So beautiful and so wonderful to hear. Congratulations and here's to another great year for you and your family.


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